Through a combination of teaching, group reflection on the principles of learning and practical activities, this course will enhance newly qualified teachers’ knowledge and confidence in promoting the learning and development of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
- Develop an understanding of the range of Special Educational Needs
- Be able to plan a graduated approach to the needs of children with SEN
- Developed reflective practice skills and an understanding of group problem-solving models
Emily France
Emily is a Local Authority Educational Psychologist in Gloucestershire and is based in Stroud. She covers a patch of schools in Stroud and the surrounding area but also supports other schools through therapeutic work and training. Qualifying from Bristol University in 2016, she has particular interests in social, emotional and mental health support for students and staff, and staff retention. The NQT training came about through discussions with Dan around common themes they were experiencing when in schools working with NQ staff. They recognised the importance of supporting staff to develop their confidence and abilities in order to retain them in the profession. Educating teachers to identify children’s individual needs develops skills which foster confidence.
Dan O’Hare
Dan is a Local Authority Educational Psychologist (EP) for Gloucestershire three days a week, working the other two days as a professional tutor on the Doctoral EP training course at the University of Bristol. He works with a range of schools in the Stroud area of the county with a particular interest in the promotion of children’s, young people’s and teacher’s wellbeing and is currently supervising a doctoral thesis on the topic of teacher retention in schools and teacher resilience. He has a strong interest in systemic work – how we can change whole systems to support the people that work in them. He and Emily are both keen to work with teachers to help develop knowledge, understanding and confidence in meeting the needs of learners with special educational needs and use an action learning approach to ensure that the learning that happens in their sessions is directly applicable to the daily role of a teacher.